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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Last Week.

2011-11-24 09.34.55

Was Thanksgiving really just last week? Somehow, someway, each week, each day, each moment seems to go quicker than the last.

We had a different kind of turkey day this year. Which coming from me doesn't mean much. For years I used the Thanksgiving holiday as a way to grab great international airfares. No joke, flying to London or Athens or Stockholm is pretty inexpensive when going over a holiday only Americans celebrate. I would love to take our little family of six on a big jet plane across the ocean for Thanksgiving someday. And we will.

But this year our little family of six went to the Mall of America early Thursday morning for the Walk to End Hunger. When I got an email about the event awhile back it really convicted me.

On a day when so many of us overeat there are people who are hungry.

We talked with the kids about it and M was in disbelief that there could possibly be anyone in her school or her life that doesn't have enough to eat.

But the stats don't lie (and either does our local foodshelf!) 1 in 10 families is struggling to feed their families.

So we went and we walked and there were so many others who did the same.
2011-11-24 09.03.16

One major highlights for our kids, well mainly E, was meeting Dora.
2011-11-24 08.17.11

2011-11-24 08.18.34

After our walk and our talk about what we were doing and why we were doing it we came home and it was just the six of us. Last year we started this thing that we stay home on holidays, we invite whoever can or wants to come over but we don't go from place to place eating meals and expecting our kids to behave. Some holidays we end up with a houseful of family and friends and other holidays, like last Thursday, it's just us. Either way is ok with us.

We really made the most of Thanksgiving day. From our morning coffee after the walk to coming home and having a dance party {Yes, we really do this. A lot. I'm guessing some of our neighbors can attest to our bad dancin'} and playing Monopoly Jr. At one point, J and the kids played outside and I looked at the paper from ad to ad. It was a perfect day.

And as we sat at the table eating and shared what we were thankful for, we all expressed thankfulness for each other and many of the blessings we take for granted. When it was E's turn, she said, "Thank you God for all our blessings. We love you so much. And Dora too. Amen."

2011-11-24 08.17.02


Blogger Gina said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I like what E said at dinner. What a wonderful idea about the walk as well. It's really sad like you said how much we overeat and so many other don't have enough to eat. I always try and give food at my church during the holiday season.

December 1, 2011 at 8:13 AM  
Anonymous Dadio's said...

Was nice day for you all. How exciting for E!

Love to all.

December 1, 2011 at 11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such a fun day wish I could have been there to join you!! One day I may just show up at your door!!
I Love that E had the chance to meet Dora! Great picture's..
yes it's hard to beleive that we have people with no food in America.. It should not be this way nobody should go hungry!!!

Love You All
Auntie Laurie

December 1, 2011 at 11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such a fun day wish I could have been there to join you!! One day I may just show up at your door!!
I Love that E had the chance to meet Dora! Great picture's..
yes it's hard to beleive that we have people with no food in America.. It should not be this way nobody should go hungry!!!

Love You All
Auntie Laurie

December 1, 2011 at 11:57 AM  
Anonymous Patch Guy said...

Yeah. We do the dance parties, too. Sometimes as we clean up the basement. It's a blast!

December 1, 2011 at 12:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

One of my favorite things about your blog is the way it reminds me how enchanting this world is in the minds of children. E's face in that picture with Dora says it all. It melts my heart!

December 1, 2011 at 2:27 PM  

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